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E-Commerce Admin

E-Commerce Admin

I successfully developed a robust full-stack e-commerce admin dashboard and CMS that empowers users to efficiently manage multiple vendors and stores through a unified platform. The system allows for seamless creation, updating, and deletion of categories and products, including the flexibility to upload and modify multiple images for each product. The integration of dynamic filters such as "Color" and "Size" enhances product organization, while the creation, updating, and deletion of "Billboards" enable eye-catching textual displays, either linked to specific categories or standalone. The search functionality, coupled with pagination, enables users to swiftly navigate through categories, products, sizes, colors, and billboards. The dashboard also offers control over featured products for homepage visibility. The inclusion of order management, sales tracking, and revenue graphs provides a comprehensive overview of the business. The authentication system is powered by Clerk, and the Paystack integration ensures secure and streamlined checkout experiences with webhook support. Leveraging MySQL, Prisma, and PlanetScale, this project not only delivers a feature-rich e-commerce solution but also provided invaluable insights into database management, authentication, and payment gateway integration in a real-world application.
